Sunday, May 6, 2018

Elizabeth's Here to Teach All about Horses:Horses are Number 1

Horses Are Number 1

Thoroughbred Horses

Horses are important to our world. There are different types of horses. One of the most common breeds are race horses. Better known as thoroughbreds. Horse racing is a very exciting event to watch. You can hear the crowd roaring as the horses thunder down the track. Most race  horses are thoroughbreds. If thoroughbreds ears are pointing up that means that they are alert and or ready to run. Thoroughbred horses have long legs and are very fast and full of energy. Race horses begin training when they are only one year old. They learn to carry a heavy saddle on their back and a rider. They also learn to gallop beside other horses. Horses start racing at the age of two. When they are the age of three they may win top races. You should always keep your horse tidy and healthy. Racehorses wear small saddles with high footholds called stirrups. This lets perch above the saddle and lean forward. Riders are called Jockeys. Jockeys wear colorful hats and clothing called silks. Jockey’s must use whips very carefully because they increase the risk of getting kicked off. Some race horses wear eye shields called blinkers. They help horses look straight ahead.  

Working Horses

Working horses are normally big and strong. They can also be light and fast.Working horses are what they sound like:horses that work. Working horses may work in the rural or urban areas. In Mackinac Island,horses are used to get around the island they replace cars. The biggest most powerful working horses are called draft horses, better known as Shire horses. A shire horse has long, thick, leg hair feathering which helps keep them warm. In the past many working horses worked on farms,plowing fields and pulling wagons .Some small farms still use horse power. Teams of horses are attached to plows as they plod steadily along,the plow blades loosen the soil so when the farmer comes it will be ready to plant seeds. Horses often carry supplies such as food tools etc.  Along trails that are too narrow or steep for cars.Goods are strapped onto the horses saddles. They can also be onto deep bags that hang down on each side.

James, Pierce and Hudson Create a Fantasy World Sure to WOW You!


Part 1

Hi. I’m Frank Dean. I have two friends Max, and Tony.  we’re basically brothers in my perspective. we have been best friends since two years old. We do everything together. Right now I’m getting yelled at by my mom.  So go ahead and listen.
“I’ve told you a million times stop messing around in class and listen!”  
I don’t exactly have the best grades in school. “Why don’t you take a walk around the neighborhood and think about your actions!’’ As I’m walking out I call my friends.  This is what I always do when I get in trouble. We decided we would meet in the alley. When we meet, a weird man comes out of the alley.
“Hi,” he says with a scratchy voice.  
“Oh NO!” Max yells. Flames flow from his arm. The man burns in the ashes. More come from the shadows my body aches. I feel myself transforming. I look down and I am now a full grown lion. I sprint at them and with one swipe of my claw they are all dead except one metal Comes out of ‘s hand and he dies. I transform back and we all stand there horrified, not aware of what had just happened.      

Part 2

Hi. I’m Max ash. What a coincidence. I’m back at home now. I live with my parents and two dogs.  
“Hot, hot, hot!” I yell.
 “You okay?!” yelled my mom.
 “Yeah just messing around,” I yell. I’m not used to this so called power.  Don’t tell anyone about what you just read I want it to be a secret. “Knock! Knock!”  
“Coming,” said my mom. She opens the door and I hear the man say,
“I’d like to speak to your son.”
“Max, someone wants you!” yells my mom.
“Coming!” I say.  I race down the stairs. When I see the man I shake his hand.
“Hello,” he says.  “Your powers are very powerful if you come to my school I will teach you how to control them, your friends have been talked to by me and want to do it, think about it and contact me.” he hands me a business card and leaves.   

Part 3

Hi i’m Tony. I’m going to a school to control my metal slinging powers. I looked out the window I see a Huge school. I open the car door and walk along the smooth side walk that leads to the school.
“It looks just like Hogwarts,” I said. I am a Harry Potter fan. I  walked through the doors and conversation is everywhere. I see max and frank and I walk toward  them. “We thought you would come,” said frank.
A man with circle glasses walks towards us and said “my name is Dr. F”   
They walk into the man’s room and the man said “here is your classroom, where I will teach you.” The bell rang and class started. It was GREAT. Then I realized why everybody smiled at this school.

5 months later…

I am sitting in class listening to Mr.F talking about being calm and if we are calm our powers will be easy to control. I’m not really listening but when a voice comes on the intercom I start to listen.  
“This is not a drill get to the nearest shelter immediately.”  everyone is scrambling to get to a shelter.

Max and Frank come up to my side and say “Hey what's going on.”
“Don’t know.”  I say. Just then I see a masked man then he seems to blow away with the wind and all I see is the Viper looking mask. Then the lights blink of and he is gone.  


Hey, it’s frank again. So we are in this weird shelter. If you were to ask me it’s kind of creepy. There are weird pictures on the wall of old people that look like creepy dolls. I’m guessing they’re teachers that used to work here. I’m a little bit scared after seeing that mask. I’m sitting by Max and Tony. They look kind of petrified.
We hear Mr.F talk over the loudspeaker. “Max, Tony and Frank come up stage.” When we get to the stage he says in a whisper, “I’ve noticed that in your training you have been exceptional.” he says. “So that mask you saw he was an evil man that wants to take over the world. He is known as Kamezand or, the Dark Lord. He wants power more than anything. He took a microchip that he puts in his mask that gives him all the power he can get he’s practically unbeatable.  
“How do we beat him then?” I say.
“Well there is only two of those microchips in the world.”
“Where is the other one?” says Tony.
“In my suit,” said Dr. F.

Part 5
So, I just started listening to Mr.F (its me Max again by the way).  So he just told us to follow him into a dark room. creepy, am I right?  
So Frank,Tony,and I, follow him and he tells us: “there is one other way to beat the dark lord. Legend has it that 3 heroes one with flames, one with animals, and one with metal.”
“so you’re telling me that we, 3 teenagers are supposed to kill this dark-king?”
“Dark lord, Max.”
“Whatever.” I say. “So… why are we in here?”
“Because, you need to see you’re new suits.”
“Wut? New suits?” I say. He turns on the lights and as soon as I see see my suit...
“No way Finger-guns!” I say as I shoot fire from my fingers. I love this suit.
“Lets blow the head of this nerd,” I say.

     Part 6

Okay, it’s me Tony. so the craziest thing just happened! Here is a summary of it. So, we start chasing him down right? Well, he was onto us and sent some troops and we beat them easily, but there was a wall made of wood, and we were like: “how are we getting over the wall?” and Max was like:  “common sense” and burned it. We got through a couple more obstacles and now we’re at the dark lords base! So yeah we are about to head inside. We head inside and...

Part 7

We head inside and we see the dark lord.
In a surprisingly intimidating high pitched voice, he laughs. Max, being the idiot he is, charges straight at the dark lord. The dark lord laughs and knocks Max out, and then a dark mist comes out of the dark lord’s hand and surrounds Max.  The dark lord leaves and Max wakes up. He takes off his helmet and i’m not sure if this is just the lighting, but his eyes look completely midnight black. “You thought, that you could just walk in and destroy me? Leave, or die.” he says.  Oh NO.

 Part 8
Max’s mind.

        Destroy them.

Part 9
magma man.

Hey, me frank, so now max is Mad Max. he’s literally trying to kill u- OH NO!!!!! I see a lava/stone giant like that one volcano thing from that Disney film, “Moana”. Max laughs in a horrifying way, and then says: “I,The dark lord, will take this useless ragdoll known as the ‘inferno’ and destroy you with the MAGMA MAN GIANT---THING!”

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Click HERE for the entire nonstop laugh comic book.

Click HERE for the entire nonstop laugh comic book.