CHAPTER 1:fight it
Help me! Help me! With a tr0ll in Kelly’s face.
Then SWOOOP a unicorn jumped over Kelly’s
head. And
Then SWOOOP a unicorn jumped over Kelly’s
head. And
The troll got scared !After they fighted the Unicorn
ran away Kelly went looking for the unicorn.
But before she could find it she had to have dinner
she did not talk about it because she thought her
parents will track it down. She went to the bed she
had a crazy dream when she Woke up it was
Saturday . She had no school so she spent her day
trying to find the unicorn. She got Apples went to
the forest she waited all day that she fell asleep
then when she woke up the apples were gone.
“Do you think it is a unicorn?” Kelly said. She
went back to her house and when she got back
her parents are so mad because they found out
she found a Unicorn. But I did not!” Kelly said.
Just then, her parents turned their phone around
and showed her proof that they knew because they
had pictures.
ran away Kelly went looking for the unicorn.
But before she could find it she had to have dinner
she did not talk about it because she thought her
parents will track it down. She went to the bed she
had a crazy dream when she Woke up it was
Saturday . She had no school so she spent her day
trying to find the unicorn. She got Apples went to
the forest she waited all day that she fell asleep
then when she woke up the apples were gone.
“Do you think it is a unicorn?” Kelly said. She
went back to her house and when she got back
her parents are so mad because they found out
she found a Unicorn. But I did not!” Kelly said.
Just then, her parents turned their phone around
and showed her proof that they knew because they
had pictures.
Chapter 2:the runaway
Kelly started to cry. She was really confused.
The things she brought with her,apples,clothes,
and a basket. That is a little but thats all Kelly
really needs. She was trying to find the UNICORN!
Soon it was starting to rain. A rock scratched her
and she started bleeding on her leg. She stopped
at a cave for a rest. And when she woke up it was
so sunny. But she could barely walk. But she tried
her hardest to walk. Then for some reason the
unicorn blocked her from leaving the cave. Maybe
cause Kelly needed more rest. Kelly tried to push
the unicorn from the cave. But it was heavy. She
did not want the unicorn by her side.I don’t need
you! Kelly said”Looking mad. TWO MINUTES
LATER! I can not believe that I am stuck in a cave!
Kelly said madly. 2 hours later. Then finally the
unicorn moved .As Kelly stepped out of the cave
she looked at the unicorn and said sorry for yelling
at you. Then the unicorn raised up her front
hooves to say that it was okay.
The things she brought with her,apples,clothes,
and a basket. That is a little but thats all Kelly
really needs. She was trying to find the UNICORN!
Soon it was starting to rain. A rock scratched her
and she started bleeding on her leg. She stopped
at a cave for a rest. And when she woke up it was
so sunny. But she could barely walk. But she tried
her hardest to walk. Then for some reason the
unicorn blocked her from leaving the cave. Maybe
cause Kelly needed more rest. Kelly tried to push
the unicorn from the cave. But it was heavy. She
did not want the unicorn by her side.I don’t need
you! Kelly said”Looking mad. TWO MINUTES
LATER! I can not believe that I am stuck in a cave!
Kelly said madly. 2 hours later. Then finally the
unicorn moved .As Kelly stepped out of the cave
she looked at the unicorn and said sorry for yelling
at you. Then the unicorn raised up her front