Wednesday, May 29, 2019

The Magical Creature in My Eye by Presley Collins

CHAPTER 1:fight it

Help me!  Help me! With a tr0ll in Kelly’s face.
Then SWOOOP a unicorn jumped over Kelly’s
head. And
The troll got scared !After they fighted the Unicorn
 ran away Kelly went looking for the unicorn.
But before she could find it she had to have dinner
she did not talk about it because she thought her
parents will track it down. She went to the bed she
had a crazy dream when she Woke up it was
Saturday . She had no school so she spent her day
trying to find the unicorn. She got Apples went to
the forest she waited all day that she fell asleep
then when she woke up the apples were gone.
“Do you think it is a unicorn?” Kelly said. She
went back to her house and when she got back
her parents are so mad because they found out
she found a Unicorn. But I did not!” Kelly said.  
Just then, her parents turned their phone around
and showed her proof that they knew because they
had pictures.

Chapter 2:the runaway
Kelly started to cry. She was really confused.
The things she brought with her,apples,clothes,
and a basket. That is a little but thats all Kelly
really needs. She was trying to find the UNICORN!
Soon it was starting to rain. A rock scratched her
and she started bleeding on her leg. She stopped
at a cave for a rest.  And when she woke up it was
so sunny. But she could barely walk. But she tried
her hardest to walk. Then for some reason the
unicorn blocked her from leaving the cave. Maybe
cause Kelly needed more rest. Kelly tried to push
the unicorn from the cave. But it was heavy. She
did not want the unicorn by her side.I don’t need
you! Kelly said”Looking mad. TWO MINUTES
LATER! I can not believe that I am stuck in a cave!
Kelly said madly. 2 hours later. Then finally the
unicorn moved .As Kelly stepped out of the cave
she looked at the unicorn and said sorry for yelling
at you. Then the unicorn raised up her front
hooves to say that it was okay.

Monkey by Olivia Kane

Monkeys love Bananas and
all other fruit monkeys have
a long tail and they can clime
trees they are inportant to us
becuse they are apart of us
and they are Just like other
animals and Just like you.
people say lies about monkeys
 but they are not true so this
is all true. Why i love monkeys.
one they are cute and
adorable. Two there are a lot
of tips of monkeys.
Three they are Important
Animals because they do a
lot for us.If you want to know
any more about monkeys
look it up.
Made by olivia kane.

The Lost Kitty by Serene

 The Lost kitty                      
By Serene     
One day a kitty was wondering around. then suddenly
a tornado came out of nowhere. And it sent the kitty flying
into the tornado. The kitty was so scared the kitty went
spinning around and it wouldn't stop. Thankfully it stopped
and the kitty was in a strange new world

Everyone was human it was so weird because in her world
everyone where cats.

The kitty was  so scared she almost fainted. She ran when any human came close she bit people who tried to pet her.She felt like a predator she was lonely  she missed her family she wanted to go home But what way was home she said all to herself. I miss my mom and my dad and my brothers and sisters but now I don't have a family.The little kitty was sad she new she was sad but she still has to have hope that she will get back to her family she searched day night walking and praying to kitty god that she will find her family. First Atlantis second Texis 3rd Hollywood 4th New york 5th Bahamas 6th Nevada 7th Paris 8th Miami 9th Argentina 10th Ohio 11th Michigan 12th Cicanatie 13th China 14th Minnesota 15th Japan 16th Alaska 17th   Washington D.C. 18th Detroit 19th Florida. Last but not least she came to kentucky she was so happy.

But her house was all the way across kentucky she cried to
herself oh!!! Why do I have to go all the way across town oh!
i'm tired all ready. The little kitty went to lie down in a old crat
by the dumpster she soon fell asleep she  was sad really sad
she missed her family.There was a kitty football game going
on one street behind her then she remembered her dad took
her to kitty football games all the time. She wanted to stay for
the game but she had to start walking the sooner she got to
her family the sooner she would be happy. She wished she
could be with them right now you can tell she really missed
them while she walked home she was really sad and
miserable. Then she looked up its the  the kitty subway she
thought if she went on the right one she thought she might
see her parents and brothers and sisters after all the little
kitty was so happy. As soon as she got on the engine started.
Then the subway went as fast as the wheels would take
them they got to her house as quick as light.

She got home she was so happy but there was a surprise  
for her know won was home she waited for someone or
anyone.  There they were right there in front of her she
was so happy her mom her and her dad and her sisters
and brothers it turns out that they were following  her. Atlantis
and Texas and Hollywood and New york and Bahamas and
Nevada and Paris and Miami and Argentina and Ohio and
Michigan and Cincinnati and China and Minnesota and Japan
and Alaska and Washington D.C. and Detroit and Florida  
and then kentucky and the Subway and then there at there
house. Everyone was so happy they feasted on fish sticks
and milk.

Gloria by Lorelei Young

October 25, 1997 Gloria, age 52
Dear diary,
My name is Gloria, and i’m going to tell you a story so awful
it’ll  send shivers down your spine. It all started back in 1958,
when I was only 19. It scarred me for life.

My small car bumped up and down as I scooted down the
road. Little did I know it would be the last. For the car,
anyway. Heh. RRRRRRRRRR...
What was that?!  I thought. “Eh, must be the wind.” But  I was
wrong. CRUNCH. “*gasp!*”

“Just the wind. Just the wind. Just the wind.” I reassured  
myself. The cars roof caved in. A black figure floated
through the window. I screamed and didn’t stop. The figure
made a awful noise and sort of… shriveled up some. Were
screams his weakness? I must be sure. I thought. I screamed
at the top of my lungs. It shriveled up even more.
“EEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!” I screamed again. This time it did
nothing. It just froze. I decided then my life was at stake. So I
busted open the door and ran. But the ground was disappearing
before my eyes! “No!! What’s happening?!” I gasped. Just
then, I slipped on the mud and heard a crunch. My ankle was
definitely broken.  I screamed with pain and agony. I grabbed
the car door and hoisted myself up right as the ground vanished
beneath me.

Later I awoke in a very strange place. I looked around. I saw
red everywhere. I got up and floated to the  other side of this...
cave? Wait-- floated!? What in the world was going on!? Then
this very strange figure came in and I immediately recognized  it.
From that moment, I decided to call it, “The Terror,”. It made a
noise and bolted towards me. I knew what to do this time.

The thing… well, died. I think so. I hope so. So I had to scream.
A LOT. It finally screamed with me, shriveled up, and died.
It looked very… strange. For a moment, I just looked at it in
horror, and then ran out of the cave, or whatever it was. Outside,
there was…

Okay, I know you are probably thinking, “Ohh, no! What now!?”

There was… a rainbow. I know this is likely the strangest story
you have ever read, but it’s all true.
After this I bought a new car, of course, went to college, got a job at a
bakery, got married, and had a baby girl.  

Well, that’s it. I told you all I can. Or, all I want to remember.

The End

Toy Maker by Olivia Kane

                    Toy Maker

Did you know that  I always wanted to be a Toymaker
well all you have to do is come up with the topic then do
it but you must be Patient Because it might fail 5 or 6 or 10
times but you still can do it if you keep on trying.

guess what i made a toy that is Brand new  so what i did
was i made a mermaid toy and if you press a  button then
your tail tucks in and wings come out i think i Became the
dall wow i can fly and swim underwater with a tail wait i think
i made it were the dall has powers so does that mean i will
to wow it worked.

Wait i think i put a Shape shifting so i think how it Works is
 you spin and think what you won’t to become and it works i
wished to become my regler self like a human like i was
Before i Turned into These things like a mermaid and a fairy
i wonder if i can Invent another dall and add the thinks i had
on the old dall and bring it to the new one and add a few new
things so let me tell you what i Added to it .bom!
It exploded don't worry I can build a new one. done okay
sowhat I Added was a unicorn and a score keeper key, and
ita necklace that is Magical dont forget a princess that you
can or be or see the real one like Sofia, Aurora, Snow White,
Sleeping Beauty, Bell, Pocahontas and more, and the Trident,
Ursula necklace, and meracless book and the moon ring  but you Can't touch it. It is just a Illusion.

War by Lorelei Young


By Lorelei Young and Splash the water dragon

Chapter one
Splash was sitting right out of reach of the battle. Her tribe leader, Anemone,
was out there somewhere. The war had been raging for three years now. Splash
is 7 years old. She had one more year before she had to start fighting in the war
of the FireWings and SeaWings. She didn’t want to at ALL. But she had no
choice. Anemone was her mother, and she couldn't let her down. BOOOOOOOM!
A huge cannonball whizzed in her direction. She blasted into the air right as the
cannonball plowed into the ground and exploded. That was too close. Splash
thought. She started to feel dizzy. She needed her afternoon water. She flew to
the pond and fell asleep in the water.

“Splash!?” a voice cried. “Whatt?” Splash mumbled. It was Coral, Splash’s  
friend. “Oh, you're okay!” Coral said. “Uh huh.” Splash said, annoyed because
she was exhausted and Coral interrupted her long nap. “I am TRYING to sleep
here! And why wouldn’t I be?”  “Okay.” Coral replied. “Go away.” “Okay.” Coral
growled and flew off angrily. “Well, that was fun.” Splash said sarcastically. All
of the sudden, she felt an instant sharp pain in her back. She shrieked. She spun
around, face to face with a fire dragon. But she knew this dragon. It was Crackle,
the dragon who killed her father. Instinct kicked in. She flew at her and tackled
him to the ground. “ARGH!” she screamed as Splash tore open her flesh. “GET
OUT OF HERE!! YOU ARE A MURDERER!!” Splash screamed in her ear.
Death came for Crackle. Splash felt triumphant. She flew off before anyone
could see her and accuse her of murder. I never thought i would be a killer…
she thought. But Crackle was too… But what if someone comes after me for it?
“What the-- What did you DO!?” a voice shouted nearby. “Coral!! Don’t tell,
please!” Splash begged. “That dragon was my father’s killer!” “Well, i’m sorry,
but I can’t keep this from the tribe..” “But-- how could you!!!!?” Splash screeched.
“WE'RE FRIENDS!” “I know. Okay. I’m really sorry. I just don’t know what
it’s like with no dad--” But it was too late. Coral messed it up. With a blast of air,
Splash burst into tears and plunged into the sky. CRACK! All of the sudden, her
wing felt a blast of pain. She had been shot by a stray bullet from the battle.
“AUGGGH!!!” she screamed. She plummeted to the ground. Once she hit the
ground, she thought she was dead. Somehow, she was wrong.

“Splash? SPLASH??!” “Ughhhh…” She moaned. “Splash! You okay??” “Uggh,
Coral go awaaay…” she grunted. “Um, not Coral,” Splash’s vision cleared.
“Mom?” “Yep, that’s right. What the heck did you do?” she asked. “Was flying-
got shot. fell…” she mumbled. “Oh. o…” ZZZ….
“Wake up!” “Ohh, it’s morning already? Better start fighting now!” Splash
muttered. ‘What? Snap out of that coma!” Anemone squawked. . “Ooooh…
I’m… dizzy. I am exhausted too.” And with that she fell fast asleep.

Growwwwllll… Splash was conked out, dreaming about winning the war.
But that was cut short, and then came to a dream about eating a chicken. YUM.
Apparently, she was snoring, because she woke up with a loud snort. “Ew.” she
muttered. The hunger ripped at her stomach. She realized she hadn’t eaten since
the morning, and it was late in the evening. So she set off to find food and maybe
a new home to escape the war, and Coral.
End of chapter one.

Chapter two
Three years later
Howwwwwwl! “Dinner!” said Riptide. Riptide was Splash’s new friend.
They were living in a lagoon a mile away from a empty beach. “Let’s get ‘em!”
shouted Splash. Later, they were chewing on the wolves. “*snarf* why did you
run away *munch* from battle? Just asking…” Riptide muttered through
munches and snarfs. “I already told you! And it’s none of your business.” Splash
snapped back. “Okay, okay.” Riptide turned around and nestled in her little cave.
Splash slithered to the entrance of the cave and stared into the unfolding night.

“SPLASH!!!! WAKE UP!!!” ‘Unhhhh…” she mumbled. Then she heard
screaming. A voice screeched, “What are you doing?!” Her eyes snapped
open. “SPLASH! We have to get OUT of here!!” Riptide screamed. “What’s
happening!?” Splash screeched. Rocks were falling from the roof. “WE’RE
escape hatch in the roof and blasted up, up, until they were safe. “Oh…*gasp*
who was t-tthat!?” Splash asked, terrified. “My team.” Riptide quipped. “What!?”
Splash gasped. “I said, my TEAM.” she muttered darkly. He leaned over, quick as
a flash, bit into Splash’s flesh. “YEAAAGGH!!!” she screeched. “What’s the
matter?! You a chicken?!” Riptide sneered. Then he grabbed her and threw her
on her back. He tore off the cliff, with Splash teetering back and forth on his
back. In midair, Splash felt a spasm of pain. She started teetering violently.
“Whoa- whoa- AUGGGGHH!!!” Riptide yanked her talon. “OW!!” “QUIET!”
Riptide screeched. “What is going ON with you?!” Splash screamed. All of the
sudden, Riptide leaned over in the sky, and plunged downward. “Riptide?!
RIPTIDE!!” Splash gasped. She tore after him. Right before he hit the ground,
she caught him.

“RIPTIDE?!?! Wake up!”  “Hunh?” “Riptide!!! Come on! WAKE UP!” “OoOoh”
Riptide mumbled. “What the heck! It’s been 8 hours!!” Splash said. “What
happened…? Oww!” He was observing things around him. “Where are we?”
“I got help from the RainWings. We’re in the RainWing Hospital.” Splash said.
“Oh.” Riptide mumbled, the drifted off to sleep again. I’ve got to figure out
what happened to him. Splash thought as she tiptoed out of Riptide’s room.
She bumped right into the nurse. “Hey!” the nurse snapped. “Uh. Sorry!
“Well, you should be.”
“WELL, I was going to say, that Riptide just woke up.”
“Oh! Well, is he in pain?”
Yes.” (This was a lie; Splash just wanted her to get lost).
She hurried into his room.

Splash flew off, but would come back soon.