Wednesday, May 29, 2019

The Lost Kitty by Serene

 The Lost kitty                      
By Serene     
One day a kitty was wondering around. then suddenly
a tornado came out of nowhere. And it sent the kitty flying
into the tornado. The kitty was so scared the kitty went
spinning around and it wouldn't stop. Thankfully it stopped
and the kitty was in a strange new world

Everyone was human it was so weird because in her world
everyone where cats.

The kitty was  so scared she almost fainted. She ran when any human came close she bit people who tried to pet her.She felt like a predator she was lonely  she missed her family she wanted to go home But what way was home she said all to herself. I miss my mom and my dad and my brothers and sisters but now I don't have a family.The little kitty was sad she new she was sad but she still has to have hope that she will get back to her family she searched day night walking and praying to kitty god that she will find her family. First Atlantis second Texis 3rd Hollywood 4th New york 5th Bahamas 6th Nevada 7th Paris 8th Miami 9th Argentina 10th Ohio 11th Michigan 12th Cicanatie 13th China 14th Minnesota 15th Japan 16th Alaska 17th   Washington D.C. 18th Detroit 19th Florida. Last but not least she came to kentucky she was so happy.

But her house was all the way across kentucky she cried to
herself oh!!! Why do I have to go all the way across town oh!
i'm tired all ready. The little kitty went to lie down in a old crat
by the dumpster she soon fell asleep she  was sad really sad
she missed her family.There was a kitty football game going
on one street behind her then she remembered her dad took
her to kitty football games all the time. She wanted to stay for
the game but she had to start walking the sooner she got to
her family the sooner she would be happy. She wished she
could be with them right now you can tell she really missed
them while she walked home she was really sad and
miserable. Then she looked up its the  the kitty subway she
thought if she went on the right one she thought she might
see her parents and brothers and sisters after all the little
kitty was so happy. As soon as she got on the engine started.
Then the subway went as fast as the wheels would take
them they got to her house as quick as light.

She got home she was so happy but there was a surprise  
for her know won was home she waited for someone or
anyone.  There they were right there in front of her she
was so happy her mom her and her dad and her sisters
and brothers it turns out that they were following  her. Atlantis
and Texas and Hollywood and New york and Bahamas and
Nevada and Paris and Miami and Argentina and Ohio and
Michigan and Cincinnati and China and Minnesota and Japan
and Alaska and Washington D.C. and Detroit and Florida  
and then kentucky and the Subway and then there at there
house. Everyone was so happy they feasted on fish sticks
and milk.

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