Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Somebody (Bob and Bob Jr.) and the Children's Blizzard

Somebody (Bob and Bob Jr.)
and the
      Children’s Blizzard

                  Written By Mary Ower

One surprisingly warm day in the winter of 1888, Somebody, Bob, Bob Jr. and their
Mom lived in a tiny log cabin in southwestern Minnesota.  Bob and Bob Jr. woke up at
exactly the same time (Because they’re twins) and shook Somebody awake.
“Wake up, wake up!  We need to go to school!”  They said.
Somebody jumped up and said, “Let's Move Zucchinis!”
Bob and Bob Jr. said, “We are not zucchinis.  We are people.”
They said goodbye to their Mom, and bounded out the door.    
Somebody said, “I am so hot. At break, lets go to Dairy Queen!”
Bob said, “Are Dairy Queen’s even invented yet?”
Somebody replied, “Sure!”
They arrived at school.  
“Hello class, I am your teacher, as always, Ms. Boring.  Today we are learning about
sand. Blah, Blah, Blah, Blah, Blah, Blah, Blah, Blah, Blah, Blah, Blah, Blah, Blah…
Small, Blah, Blah, Blah, Blah,Blah, Blah, Blah, Blah…
After about 30 more minutes Ms. Boring announced something even more dreaded and  

“Now it is time for our poem unit,” Ms. Boring announced boringly (Duh. If her name is Ms.
Boring, then she must not be BORING).  “We will be writing about sand.  Here is a example.”
Sand Poem Example
Stuff can happen.  Happen can stuff.
   Food Doesn’t eat.  We eat food.
    No sense made.

So Somebody wrote his poem.  And it goes like this:
   Somebody The Sanded Human
       Somebody was sanded today.
              I like Food La La La La.
Will  Ever Be un-sanded?!
   I like ducks La La La.

“Ms. Boring!!  I’m DONE!!” Somebody screeched.  
“FF,” Ms. Boring said. “Flopping Failure.”
Then, it was time free time.  Bob, Bob jr. and Somebody ran to Dairy Queen!

At Dairy Queen, Bob and Bob Jr. ordered dipped cones, but Somebody ordered one. Extra.
Extra. Extra. Extra. Extra. Extra. Extra. Extra. Extra. Extra. Large. Blizzard.  
“I am very sorry but we do not carry blizzards that large.  How about the extra large?” The
Dairy Queen guy replied.

While they ate, Mother Nature started forming Somebody’s Extra. Extra. Extra. Extra. Extra.
Extra. Extra. Extra. Extra. Extra. Large. Blizzard.
Once they were finished eating, they looked outside and And saw  Extra. Extra. Extra.
Extra. Extra. Extra. Extra. Extra. Extra. Extra. Large. Blizzard.  
“How do we get home?” Bob asked.
“We tie ourselves to a rope that’s how!” Bob Jr.
So Bob and Bob Jr. tied themselves to a rope and Bob said, “Somebody, tie your hand
on to the rope so you don’t get lost and freeze in to an ice cube.”
And Somebody said “No need,”  And with that being said, he walked out the door.
“Let’s move,” Bob Jr. said to Bob.  
Then, they sprinted all the way home.  (Without freezing into ice cubes)
“We just skipped school Somebody.” Bob said when they neared the house.  
“Somebody? Bob Jr., Where’s Somebody?”
“He was right behind me!” Bob Jr. said. “How do we tell he’s gone?  Mom? She
loves him!”
“Let’s just tell her,” Bob said.  “It’s not like anyone is going freeze us too.”
“Mom!  We’re home!” Bob and Bob Jr. said at exactly the same time, not even off
by a millisecond.  One, not so beautiful chorus of voices.
“Somebody froze into an ice cube today,”  Bob said.
“Who?” Their Mom asked mysteriously.
“Wait a minute, I froze into an ICE CUBE?!”  Somebody asked walking into
the room.



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