Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Spy Dog by Clarie Dennison

  Spy Dog
  By Claire Dennison

In Kentucky there is a dog, and his name is Spy Dog.  Like any other dog Spy Dog
likes to play fetch, run around, and
hang out with his owner Kate.  But unlike other dogs Spy Dog has his own secret
hideout and saves the world!

One day Spy Dog was running around in the yard until Kate called Spy Dog in
for dinner.  As usual Spy Dog ran to his dog bowl and gobbled his food. Then Kate
let Spy Dog outside, (also as usual.)  Spy Dog raced outside and ran to his dog house.
But somebody was already there...

  Well actually two somebodies.  Two CATS were in Spy Dog’s dog house!!!  So Spy
Dog listened to the cats talk.  “Now that we know where Spy Dog lives we can take
all his spy stuff!”  said one cat.

“Great idea,” said the other cat, “let’s tell the boss.”

Uh-oh I can’t let them take my spy stuff.

The first cat started talking again, “Then after we steal his spy stuff, we can take over the world!!!”
Uh-oh that’s even worse, they can’t take over the world!!!
Spy Dog leaped to action and jumped on the first cat!
The second cat started panicking, “Ah! Oh no!  He’s going to capture us!” The
second cat ran out of the doghouse.
“Hey, come back!” screamed the first cat.  He leaped up and ran after the other cat.

After the cats left Spy Dog started barking and panicking.
“What am I going to do, I’ve never saved the whole world before!”  So Spy Dog did what he always did when he got nervous: chewed on a stick.
Wait a minute this will not help me save the world.

So Spy Dog went out of his yard and into his neighbor’s yard.  His neighbor, is a
dog named Kevin. When Spy Dog got to Kevin’s yard he saw Kevin sleeping.

“Kevin,” Spy Dog yelled, “wake up!”  Kevin got up grumbling.
“Hi Spy Dog,” said Kevin, “what do you want?”  So Spy Dog explained to Kevin
that he wanted him to help him, come up with an idea of how to save the world.
“You could sneak up and capture the cats.” suggested Kevin.
“Yeah,” agreed Spy Dog, “I’ll do that.  But wait, I don’t think I can do this.”
“Of course you can Spy Dog,” said Kevin.
“I’ll try,” said Spy Dog.

The next day (before Kate got up,) Spy Dog ate breakfast, packed his things, and
started on his great adventure to save the world.
What am I doing?  I can’t do this. Somebody else like Kevin, should save the
world instead of me.  But it’s too late now.

So Spy Dog walked out of his yard, and secretly sneaked onto a train that would
take him to New York City, (where the cats’ secret hideout was.)  

After a while the train stopped at New York City.  Spy Dog started walking to the
shut down book store around the corner.

Finally Spy Dog got to the bookstore and took out the cat disguise that he packed,
out of his backpack.  Spy Dog slowly, and quietly walked into the bookstore.
Nobody was there, Spy Dog walked upstairs and knocked on the office door.
“Come in,” someone called.  Spy Dog opened the door and walked in the room.  
Inside were two cats and another cat that looked important.
“I’m the boss here, who are you?”  asked the cat that looked important.
“I’m Tim Paws,” said Spy Dog thinking of a name, “and I was wondering if I
could spend the night here.”
“Of course,” said the boss, “ I will show you to your room.”  The boss took Spy
Dog down the stairs and into a room.
“This will be your room,” said the boss.  Spy Dog stepped into his room.

When it was night Spy Dog got his backpack and pulled out three pairs of
handcuffs.  Spy Dog sneaked out of the room and walked down the hallway
until he found a room with a sign that said BOSS on it.  Spy Dog opened the door
and sneaked inside. He walked over to the bed and put a pair of handcuffs on the
boss. Then Spy Dog dragged the cat back to Spy Dog’s room and called the
 Then Spy Dog repeated this with the other two cats.

After about an hour the police came.  They carried the cats into their car. Then
Spy Dog got back on the train, to go back home.

When Spy Dog got back home Kate was asleep.  So Spy Dog climbed up onto his
dog bed and fell asleep.

The next morning when Kate got the newspaper, Spy Dog was on the front cover!  
Kate was so surprised!

I really could do it.  I should’ve believed in myself!       

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